…Appetite…your master?

Ever since the fall of man, what has ruled him (by him I mean male and female) is his appetite. This appetite is not controlled in any way and it instead controls us as beings. We have become intemperate in all forms of appetite, be it appetite for food, appetite for affection, for sex, for sleep or an appetite for success. Nothing in nowadays is done in moderation, we just want it all.ImageWe live in a world controlled by appetite. It appears that our very existence and impulses are all controlled by all sorts of appetites. Some or maybe I should say most people are driven by their undying appetite for success. As one wakes in the morning, rubbing the sleep off their eyes what comes to mind is what will I accomplish today in my daily business. The mind quickly turns to the thought of attaining money, attaining fame and “making it in life.” We are so absorbed with wanting to be successfully, financially, socially or otherwise to such a point that we forget what is most important. We forget the One who defines true success and forget to be successful in His eyes but yet seek to be seen as being successful in the eyes of fallible man…what great imbecility!
ImageImageFor some the strongest appetite is that of food and drink or even smoking. I should say, when most people hear the word appetite the first thing that comes to mind is the appetite for food. So this appetite should truly we talked about as it is also indulged a lot. We as people find ourselves “comforting eating” many a times, what great comfort hey?…total lie!, adding kilograms that will later make you depressed as you feel that you body does not look good enough and you end up depressed…that’s not comfort eating, that’s disaster eating…one big disaster waiting to happen. We indulge our appetite for food, not only through the amount of food we eat but also the type of food we eat. Fat filled foods, sometimes overcooked or not cooked well enough…all in the name of getting the “right taste” for yourself. Eating of an excess of meat, with the risk of gout and such other diseases all because we claim meat is ‘so tasty’, all to satisfy self and our appetite. We sometimes finding ourselves drinking and/or even smoking, thereby putting ourselves at a great health risk. The mind becomes clouded and what should be obvious is then all in grey, all because we a slaves to our appetites and master to nothing as we will lack judgement through all this.ImageWe are driven by our appetites daily, some driven by sexual appetites. A sense of finding fulfilment in being held close, finding fulfilment through the raising of endorphin levels, feeling the blood rush through our vessels…while we engage in meaningless sexual relations. We feed these appetites and keep them active and all the more alive in what we watch, what we listen to. It does not have to be pornography, I mean how many times have you heard the statement “sex sells”? Have you ever considered how true it is? The world has been reduced to a level of finding fulfilment in sex. The now so called love songs are incomplete if sex is not involved, the movies also follow suit. Our hunger for sex rises each day and people are now defined by how good a lover they are in how good they are in bed. The word lover in itself is no long taken to mean “a person who loves someone or is love by someone” but taken to mean “one in which an individual has sexual relations with”….we made love people say, what love I may ask…is it the same love found in 1 Corinthian 13 verses . We are now ruled by our appetites and that of sex being the greatest of all our appetites.ImageI have mentioned only a few of the appetites that we indulge as there might be a lot more out there. We have been ruled by our appetites for too long and we have to move away from this. Seek a new way of living, being temperate in all that we do. Not to allow ourselves to be slaves of our appetites, whether it be for food, sex or success…we should be master of it all through our Lord Jesus Christ. God Himself actually requires this of us, that we become temperate in all things of life and at no point indulge any appetite besides that of the Holy Spirit and the whole God head. The apostle Paul says in 1 Corinthians 10 verse 31 “So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.” So let’s all do all to glorify God, let go of your appetites that drive you and cling to the Almighty and only have an appetite for Him…Matthew 6:33 “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.”Image

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